Astrocartography: The Influence of Place
Today, I learned about astrocartography, a study linking geographic locations to personal life circumstances.
I’d say it’s similar to Feng Shui in Chinese astrology, which is used worldwide. The field of astrocartography was popularized by American astrologer Jim Lewis as a system focusing on elements of your birth chart identified on an astrocartography map.
The lines drawn on this map resemble ley lines from ancient practices and civilizations. Your position on this map can determine the energies you feel and experiences you encounter. The idea is that positioning yourself around the world according to your birth chart could be beneficial.
Reflecting upon my own experiences growing up in different parts of the world, some places felt harder than others. For instance, living in Melbourne, Australia was more challenging for me compared to other places I've lived.
Often we're not taught these aspects when relocating especially if fortunate enough to move internationally. We tend to go with the flow but what works well for others may not work for us. Astrocartography could help understand why we thrive or struggle in certain places instead of just pushing through hoping things will improve.
Interestingly these ley lines echo ancient beliefs where structures like the Great Pyramids were aligned with stars which corresponded with grids across our planet; perhaps there's wisdom lost over time worth rediscovering.. So consider exploring astro cartography - it might reveal something intriguing!
Here are some interesting links for you to learn more: