In this episode, we chat with The Digital Wayfinder aka George Siosi Samuels who is the Managing Director of Faia, a community-tech consultancy, and founder of Hona, a blockchain-based social accountability platform. Responsible for negotiating a deal that led to Tuvalu 🇹🇻 being one of the first UN-seated nations to adopt blockchain technology as a national ledger, George helps leaders with potential navigate new digital oceans. Having been named one of Australia’s Top Community Builders by Pause Fast, and featured by the likes of Entrepreneur, Tech In Asia, and Slack, he constantly looks for ways to build communities that last.
Thanks to his diverse carer, unique upbringing, and Polynesian roots, George understands the concept of community as a part of his culture. With time, he extended his understanding into a strong concept-driven approach to community building for various startups including Draper Startup House, co-working spaces such as Dimension and Hub Australia, legal tech firms such as LawAdvisor and blockchain-based companies like HandCash.
With more than 8 years of experience across Asia Pacific as a community builder, and 8 years in both the Bitcoin space and FinTech (combined), George is a true expert at building communities for ventures and loves motivating people into action.
We were blown away by how George builds the bridge between blockchain and communities, so fasten your seatbelt tuning into this episode (if you are driving).
Bonus: George resonates the song "We know the way from Moana".
- © 2022 Kembla: A FinTech Podcast